Thursday, December 16, 2010

Roasted Chicken and Brussel Sprouts

Recently I was reading Anthony Bourdain's Medium Raw. He writes,

"Everyone should be able to roast a chicken. And they should be able to do it well."

I read that and immediately realized that I did not know how to roast a chicken. What would Anthony think???

My original idea was to roast a whole chicken but I chickened out (haha) and decided to start with roasting chicken breast. I found this easy looking recipe and went for it. OMG, best chicken ever! I cannot express just how much I love this roasted chicken. It is perfection.

A few years ago I wouldn't have touched a brussel sprout. No way, no how. All of that changed when I tried the brussel sprouts at Beaver's back in Houston. That was also the night I tried turnips for the first time but I will save those for another post. I prepared brussel sprouts that next week and they were a huge hit! Now they are firmly in the rotation and if we go too long without having them Peter will kindly let me know.

I like to buy the pre-trimmed brussel sprouts in a bag but you can certainly purchase them on the stem.

I will blog about the macaroni and cheese later...I need to tinker with the recipe.

Roasted Chicken
2 skin-on chicken breasts
1 head garlic, unpeeled
2 sprigs rosemary
2 slices crusty bread
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 1/2 tablespoons water

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Heat the olive oil over medium heat in an oven-proof skillet. Once again, I like cast iron but any oven-proof skillet will do. Season the chicken with salt and pepper, cook skin down for fives minutes or until browned. Flip chicken, top with the garlic and 2 sprigs of rosemary. Transfer to oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, until moist. Remove from oven and let chicken rest on a cutting board.

Add the white wine vinegar to skillet and scrape the brown bits. Add the water and simmer for 2 minutes.

Place the bread on a platter and top with the chicken. Pour the white wine sauce over the chicken and bread.

Brussel Sprouts
1 bag brussel sprouts, rinsed and trimmed
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
sea salt
black pepper

Bring three cups of water to a boil. Add the brussel sprouts and boil on high for 8 minutes. Remove and drain. After cooling, cut each brussel sprout in half.

In a large saute pan add the olive oil and garlic over medium heat. When you start to smell the garlic (before it browns, about 1 minute) add the halved brussel sprouts. Saute in pan until the brussel sprouts begin to brown. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve warm.

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