Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Product Review: Gardein Seven Grain Crispy Tenders

Once upon a time, I was a vegetarian and I loved it. Then I met and married a man who MUST have meat at every meal. I abandoned my vegetarian ways and began eating meat again. I do love a rare steak but recently I have thought about going veggie again. I won't do it one hundred percent until I have this baby, so in the meantime I am easing my way back into the vegetarian lifestyle I used to love.

I recently noticed the Gardein brand at Whole Foods and on the menu at The Yard House. I decided to give them a whirl, having been disappointed with other faux meat brands in the past. Peter was out for a business dinner tonight so I used this as an opportunity to try these plant based tenders.

The result? OMG, I'm in love. They tasted amazing and were super easy to prepare, just twenty minutes in the oven. I honestly could not tell the difference between these and your traditional chicken strips. I will definitely buy them again and perhaps slip them into the rotation and see if Peter notices a difference!

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